Friday, September 23, 2011


  1. This is a picture of a person who is just trying to live their life without being judged, because when people judge others than it hurts them because you never really get to know the person. A person wants someone to know who they are, not judge them from what they are or through appearances.

  2. Ricardo J Perez Guzman
    Just 101
    Blog Response to Adan Torres

    I agree Adan. Woman have been struggling and battling for rights for many years now. We not only label woman in today’s society but we also put tags up on certain types of woman, Arab woman, woman who do not fit the norm of the west. This is seen throughout history. In the earlier days how common was it to see woman in a courtroom as lawyers or judges, not to often. Men had suppressed that because of the common misconception that men do better in that field. We have been proved many times that this is not true. Today and for as long as I can remember woman have been fighting for their rights and still till this day meant feel we can just control them and use them as property. Since when are men allowed to make decisions over a woman’s body as seen in today’s issues with abortion. It is an ongoing battle and its time for humanity to unite and for gender exploitation and oppression to stop. “Anything you can do I can do better”, it is a saying very much heard but it does not only apply to men. It applies to humans in general, woman or man. They are woman, they are human, and they can do things just as good.

    "Men who have slandered the opposite sex out of envy have usually known women who were cleverer and more virtuous than they are."
